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Legal notices

Consult the legal notices on the Aquarium de Touraine website

--Editor :

Parks of Touraine and Loire Valley : Grand Aquarium de Touraine
Simplified joint stock company with a capital of €518,294

Lieu dit les Hauts Boeufs - 37400 Lussault-sur-Loire

Registered with the RCS of Tours under n° 440 932 259

Siret 440 932 259 00029 - APE 923F NAF 9103Z
Director of publication: Céline BELLANGER


Technologiepark 14, D-33100 Paderborn
Tel  : +49 5251 2027870

Hosted by :

maxcluster GmbH
Lise-Meitner-Str. 1b, D-33104 Paderborn
Tel  : +49 5251 4141 30

Mention of reserved rights:

In accordance with the French Data Protection Act (Loi "Informatique et Libertés" n° 78-17 of 6 January 1978), information concerning you is intended for the Grand Aquarium de Touraine, which is responsible for processing it. You have the right to access, rectify and delete data concerning you. You may exercise this right by sending an e-mail to the following address:

In the event of rectification, a copy of the information as rectified will be communicated to the person concerned by electronic means or by post. The information provided will be used anonymously and not by name for analysis and statistical purposes.

By connecting to this site published and put online by the Grand Aquarium de Touraine, you are accessing content protected by law, in particular by the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code. The publisher only authorises strictly personal use of the data, information or content you access, limited to temporary storage on your computer for the purpose of displaying it on a single screen, as well as reproduction, in a single copy, for backup or printing on paper. Any other use is subject to our express prior authorisation. By continuing your visit to our site you agree to abide by the above restrictions. Reproduction and distribution rights reserved by the Grand Aquarium de Touraine.

The hypertext links set up on the site may lead the user to other sites. It is specified that the representatives of the Grand Aquarium de Touraine have not checked all the sites that may be linked to theirs, their content and the information contained therein, and invite the user, under his or her responsibility, to validate the conformity, accuracy, completeness and/or legality of the information and/or content to which they have access on these sites. The Grand Aquarium de Touraine therefore declines all responsibility for the content and services offered on sites to which the visitor has access via hyperlinks from its site and for the use made of them by the user. The user is solely responsible for the use of these sites.

Users and visitors to the website may not set up a hyperlink to this site without the express prior authorisation of the publication manager.

Information concerning the use of cookies

When you visit our website, information may be recorded in "cookie" files installed on your computer, tablet or mobile phone. This page allows you to understand what a cookie is, what it is used for and how it can be set.


A cookie is a text file deposited in a dedicated space on the hard disk of your terminal (computer, tablet, mobile phone or any other device optimised for the Internet), when you consult content or online advertising. This Cookie file can only be read by its sender. It identifies your terminal in which it is stored, for a limited period of validity.


Four types of Cookies, meeting the purposes described below, may be recorded in your terminal when you visit our site:


Four types of cookies, meeting the purposes described below, may be stored in your terminal when you visit our site:

1. Technical cookies are necessary for browsing our site and for accessing the various products and services. In particular, technical cookies enable us to recognise you, to indicate that you have visited a particular page and thus to improve your browsing comfort: to adapt the presentation of the site to the display preferences of your terminal (language used, display resolution), to memorise passwords and other information relating to a form that you have filled in on the site (registration or access to the members' area). Technical cookies also allow us to implement security measures (for example, when you are asked to log in again to the members' area after a certain period of time). These cookies cannot be deactivated or set, otherwise you will no longer be able to access the site and/or its services.

2. Cookies for audience measurement are issued by us or by our technical service providers for the purpose of measuring the audience for the various contents and sections of our site, in order to evaluate and better organise them. These Cookies also make it possible, if necessary, to detect navigation problems and consequently to improve the ergonomics of our services. These Cookies only produce anonymous statistics and traffic volumes, to the exclusion of any individual information. The lifetime of these audience measurement Cookies does not exceed 13 months.

3. Advertising Cookies are issued by our advertising partners, in the advertising spaces of our site, the exploitation of these spaces contributing to the financing of the contents and services that we make available to you free of charge. These Cookies are deposited by our partners within the framework of advertising partnerships under the terms of which the advertising agencies may collect data concerning the content consulted on our site, in compliance with the provisions of the 1978 Data Protection Act. These Cookies make it possible first of all to count the total number of advertisements displayed in our advertising spaces, to identify these advertisements, the number of users having clicked on each advertisement and, where applicable, the subsequent actions carried out by these users on the pages to which these advertisements lead, in order to calculate the sums due to the players in the advertising distribution chain (communication agency, advertising agency, distribution site/support) and to draw up statistics. These advertising Cookies also make it possible to adapt the advertising content displayed on your terminal in our advertising spaces, according to the navigation of your terminal on our site, or, if necessary, according to the location data (longitude and latitude) transmitted by your terminal with your prior consent. Finally, these Cookies may make it possible to adapt the advertising content displayed on your terminal in our advertising spaces according to the personal data that you may have voluntarily provided (advertising targeting). The life of these advertising cookies does not exceed 13 months.

4. Social network" cookies allow you to share the content of our site with other people or to inform these other people of your consultation or your opinion concerning the content of the site. This is, in particular, the case of the "share" and "like" buttons from the social networks Facebook and Twitter. The social network providing such an application button is likely to identify you thanks to this button, even if you did not use this button when visiting our site. We invite you to consult the privacy protection policies of these social networks in order to learn about the purposes of use, including advertising, of the browsing information they may collect through these application buttons. The life of these cookies does not exceed 13 months.


By using our site, you consent to the use of the above-mentioned cookies. However, you can choose at any time to deactivate all or part of these Cookies, with the exception of the technical Cookies necessary for the operation of the site as indicated above. Your browser can also be set to notify you of the Cookies that are deposited in your terminal and ask you to accept them or not.


By using our site, you consent to the use of the above-mentioned Cookies. However, you can choose at any time to deactivate all or part of these Cookies, with the exception of the technical Cookies necessary for the operation of the site as indicated above. Your browser can also be set to notify you of the Cookies that are deposited in your terminal and ask you to accept them or not.

1. Refusing a Cookie via your browser software

You can choose at any time to deactivate all or part of the Cookies. Your browser can also be configured to inform you of the Cookies deposited in your terminal and to ask you to accept them or not (on a case-by-case basis or in total). However, we remind you that deactivating all Cookies will prevent you from using our site under normal conditions, with the exception of basic functions.

If you are using the Explorer browser: click on the Tools button, then Internet Options. Under the general tab, Browsing History, click on Settings. Then click on View Files and select the Cookie(s) you wish to disable. Then close the window that contains this list of Cookies and double-click OK to return to the Internet.

If you are using the Firefox browser: click the Firefox Menu icon, then click the Tools button, then Options; in the window that appears, choose Privacy and click Remove Specific Cookies. Select the Cookies you wish to disable and delete them.

If you are using the Safari browser: click on the Settings button, then Preferences. In the window that appears, choose Privacy/Security, and click Show Cookies. Select the Cookies you wish to disable and click Clear or Clear All.

If you are using the Chrome browser: click the Google Chrome menu icon, then Settings. At the bottom of the page, click Show advanced settings. In the Privacy section, click Content Settings. To disable cookies :

 select Restrict all sites from storing data
 click Cookies and site data, then hover over the site that created the Cookie, and click X in the right-hand corner, or click Delete all.
2. Rejecting an Audience Cookie:

On our site, the audience cookies are deposited by the companies Krux, Nugg Ad and AT Internet. If you do not want our site to store cookies in your browser for audience measurement purposes, you can click on the following deactivation links which will store a cookie in your browser for the sole purpose of deactivating them:

Please note that these Cookies allow us to measure the traffic or audience associated with our website, the pages visited and the interactions carried out on the Site during your visit. Deactivating them therefore prevents any collection of information relating to your browsing on our Site and therefore the proposal of content tailored to your browsing.

3. Refusing an advertising Cookie

You can manage the use and exploitation of these Cookies by visiting the advertising Cookie management platform offered by advertising professionals: and by following the instructions given there. You will thus be able to find out which companies are registered with this platform, which offer you the possibility of refusing or accepting the Cookies used by them to adapt the advertisements likely to be displayed to your browsing information.

Please note that deactivating this option will prevent the display of any advertisements targeted to your interests, but you will continue to receive other advertisements. Deactivating these cookies prevents the collection of information allowing a better targeting of advertisements during your visits: empty inserts will be displayed instead of these targeted advertisements.

4. Rejecting a Cookie issued by a social network: if you do not want our site to store Cookies in your browser for this purpose, you can click on the following deactivation links which will store a Cookie in your browser for the sole purpose of deactivating them. Deactivating these Cookies will therefore prevent any interaction with the social network(s) concerned:







Please note that the processing of your individual wishes is based on one or more specific Cookies. If you delete all the Cookies stored on your terminal concerning our site, we will no longer know which consent you have given. This will reset the consent and you will have to refuse again the Cookie(s) you do not want to keep. Similarly, if you are using a different Internet browser, you will have to refuse those Cookies again.